Find the JOY of Track & Field!

Our mission is to provide an opportunity for kids with medical conditions to have success in track & field, even if only for the night.

Who We Are

Pairing collegiate athletes with our Courageous Kids and their families, these kids get to be athletes for the night. With no physical limitations, they leave their medical complications behind and enjoy an evening of track and field. Our adaptive events allow each child to create amazing memories.

Who We Serve

We know personally that limiting medical conditions can come in many forms. Our events are open to any child of any age with a medical condition that limits their ability to find success in a typical sports settings. These can include, but not limited to congenital heart disease, autism, cancer, lung disease, epilepsy, being deaf or blind, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, neuroblastoma, genetic syndromes, and others.

Our Event

Hosted by collegiate track & field athletes, Courageous Kids

and their siblings participate in an evening of adaptive

track & field events.

Track events:

100m, 200m and 400m, & Michael’s Mile

Field events:

Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put, Discus & Javelin

Our night concludes with our awards ceremony.

Thanks to our sponsors, each kid will receive a t-shirt and custom medal and a light dinner is provided for the family.

Michael's Mile

Michael George was only 6 years old when he attended the first ever Courageous Kids Invitational. Michael loved the event so much, especially the mile, that when he got home he continued to train. By the following year, he was so excited because of his practice he had got his mile time to under 8 minutes. This wasn’t an ordinary 8-minute mile, Michael was running the mile while pulling his oxygen tank in a backpack behind him.

Over the past 10 years, Michael’s condition has progressed and he is now in a wheelchair. This does not prevent him from Michael’s Mile, he just does it his own way.


Thank You 2023 Sponsors!